Miyerkules, Agosto 11, 2021

Uses of Electronic Shelf Price Tags

Electronic shelf price tags have made it easier for retailers and businesses generally to change the prices of their commodities with ease without having to go through long processes and channels. This is one of the many benefits brought by the use of electronic shelf price tags. It is smart for a business to use electronic shelf price tags to be able to compete favorably with other businesses. Manual price tags can derail you in your operations. Embracing technology takes a business to the next level. Below are some of the uses of electronic shelf price tags.

The first use of electronic shelf price tags is that they can be used as a product finder. This makes it easy for customers to find a product while in retail. Helps business owners save on the cost of hiring assistants. This function is however made possible by using external applications which integrate and enable the electronic shelf price tags to be read and spotted using a customer’s mobile application. In this case, a customer walking in a supermarket for example would only have to key in the product in the app and he/she is directed to where he/she can find what he/she needs.

Another use of electronic shelf price tags is that they can be used as an in-store heat map. This feature enables owners to detect high traffic areas and products that attract lots of customers. This is possible through using Bluetooth low-energy-enabled devices. The electronic shelf price tag in this case is integrated with the Bluetooth device that tracks the movement of the customers, measuring the time they spend on a particular area in the shop. When an image is displayed on the floor on the label management software which includes a heat map that is used to detect and show locations of the installed hotspot areas.

For more information on the uses of electronic shelf price tags, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/




Types of Electronic Price Labels

Electronic price labels have taken the retail market by a revolutionary force. More businesses looking forward to upgrading have to greatly consider installing electronic price labels. As of today, electronic price labels are among the top trends in shelf price labeling across the world.  Choosing the right labels can be an overwhelming and frustrating business one has to handle. Far aside from the hurdle of deciding which type of electronic price labels are the right for the business, one has to be aware of fake products in the market. The following are the types of electronic price labels that one should take note of before upgrading to this type of labeling.

The first type of electronic price labels that businesses have to take note of is electronic shelf edge labels. These are perhaps the most common type of electronic price labels. They comprise display modules that are controlled by a central control server. The advantage of using electronic shelf edge labels is that they are very easy to install since they are installed at the edge of a given shelf. In addition, they can be modified for advanced functions such as stock levels monitoring. They are also quite efficient in the sense that they can be rescued to display the price of other items.

Another type of electronic price labels that businesses have to take note of is fashion store tags. This particular type of electronic price label is usually used in high-end shops such as high-end boutiques. The entire system comes with a display module, two-way radio equipment, and control software. This is quite an efficient and sophisticated price labeling system that is aimed at improving customer service.

For more information on the types of electronic price labels that businesses have to take note of when upgrading the price labeling systems, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Trends In Electronic Shelf Labels

Electronic shelf labeling is the new norm in the retail market. The benefits that retail gets by installing electronic shelf labels are quite a lot. From the reduction of the pricing margin error to efficient pricing to improved customer service, electron shelf labels have proved to be a game-changer in the retail world. Electronic shelf labels are the current trends in labeling. However, in a business environment, it is always of utmost importance to make the most out of every resource available. The following are the trends in electronic shelf labels a given business ought to consider.

The first trend in electronic shelf labels that businesses need to consider is stock monitoring. It is not a new scenario for most shoppers to walk into retail and find that a given item is out of stock. This is common to many businesses around the world. This usually emanates from late procurement of items whose stock is running low. Sometimes inaccurate planning for procurement causes the same. An expected trend to solve this particular problem is to redesign and tailor electronic shelf labels to monitor the stock levels. In the event that a projected drop in the stock level is detected, the electronic shelf labels could then notify the operator of the same for action.

Another trend in electronic shelf labels that businesses need to consider is remote control and update. Some businesses have already jumped on this particular bandwagon while others are yet to adopt the same. Electronic shelf labels are usually controlled and updated by a control server that is in the same building. As such, if a given retail shop has several outlets, it has to install separate control servers in each outlet. Redesigning the servers into a single central control server is, therefore, the way to go. Regardless of the location of the outlets, the electronic shelf labels in all the outlets can be controlled and updated from the central control server.

For more information on the trends in electronic shelf labels that a business needs to consider, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Miyerkules, Agosto 4, 2021

Benefits of Shelf Edge Label

Proper arrangement of items is key for any retail shop when it comes to ensuring the proper recording of inventory and stock levels. However, this alone is not sufficient in ensuring pricing is done correctly. This is where the shelf edge label comes in handy. Shelf edge labels are basically labels that are used in the retail industry to display product, pricing, and promotional information in retail environments. They can also be used to add stock information to shelving units and racking in storage warehouses. From these main roles, shelf edge labels have the following benefits.

The first benefit of the shelf edge label is the shelf edge influence. As mentioned before, shelf edge labels can be used to display promotional information in retail environments and also add stock information to shelving units. One instance of the display of promotional information is alerting the customers of new products in the market or other products that given retail is selling. This has an enormous influence since a customer can act right and then.

Another benefit of the shelf edge label is the monitoring of stock levels. This is in the case of electronic shelf edge labels which are monitored and controlled from a central server. It is usually difficult to keep a record of stock levels every time especially for a large retail shop. Electronic shelf edge labels can be redesigned and tailored to inform the operator of the control servers about the products whose stock is running low.

The last benefit of the shelf edge label is improved sales. This is more so the case with shelf edge labels that have two-way radio equipment for communication. This makes customers appreciate the customer service of that particular retail and in the long run, always prefer that particular retail to other retailers.

For more information on the benefits of the shelf edge label, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Benefits of Hiring Electronic Price Tag Companies

Electronic price tags have helped many businesses around the world to move swiftly ahead of their time. Installing electronic price tags cuts down on labor costs meant to maintain manual or paper price tags. In addition, electronic price tags can be reused and used with a wide range of products. Electronic price tags are actually the latest trends in the sales marketplace. Several retail shops have been able to install electronic price tags on their own without the help of external parties. However, it is important to consult and let an installation company handle the same. The following are the benefits of hiring electronic price tag companies for installation.

The first benefit of hiring electronic price tag companies is for proper and reliable setup. Electronic price tags are usually controlled by control servers. The display modules link to the control servers through an internet connection. Making sure that several electronic price tags have properly and reliably linked to the control servers can be frustrating and overwhelming to a person who has never installed the same. Mislinking the electronic price tags to the servers can result in very costly pricing errors. For instance, the price of a given item can be labeled as the price of another different item. In the worst scenario, the price tags might not display the relevant information.

Another benefit of hiring electronic price tag companies is the installation cover insurance. Inappropriate installation of these price tags can result in their damage hence extra procurement costs. In addition, one might damage items within a given space while installing the price tags. Installation companies usually offer an installation cover so which ensures that in the event the price tags get damaged or other items get damaged during the installation, the owner does not have to incur the extra costs of the installation.

For more information on the benefits of hiring electronic price tag companies to do the installation, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Benefits of Electronic Shelf Label System

An electronic shelf label system is one of the digital ways of displaying the price of items on shelves. It usually incorporates a module that is placed on the shelves to display the prices and a server that controls the module. Unlike manual price tags which the price of items has to be manually changed, the price of the electronic module is changed by updating the details on the control servers. Electronic shelf label systems are hugely being used by large retailers that would find other means of shelf labeling rather inconvenient. The following are the benefits of an electronic shelf label system.

The first benefit of an electronic shelf label system is improved customer service. This is more visible for large retailers that deal with many products. In the absence of an electronic shelf label system, the retail employees would put more focus on updating the manual price tag. This is not only overwhelming but it can also be frustrating. The ripple effect of this is usually poor customer service. With an electronic shelf label system,  updating the price of items can easily be executed from the control server hence the focus can be shifted to consumers. For instance, customers can now be given more attention in regards to locating products within the retail.

Another benefit of an electronic shelf label system is pricing with agility. This is more useful especially for retailers that have several outlets dealing with the same products. In this case, changes made to the central control server will be reflected on all the visual modules in all the outlets of that particular retail. This is key in avoiding unintended price changes for the same products in different outlets as a result of human error in manual price labeling.

For more information on the benefits of an electronic shelf label system, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Biyernes, Hulyo 23, 2021

Things To Do Before Investing In Digital Shelf Labels

Are you looking to invest in digital shelf labels? You have made a step in the right direction because the digital labels can improve not only the operation of your retail business, but also its profitability.  So many businesses, especially large scale retailers, are already using ESLs, and they have many nice things to say about them. It is an investment that you will not regret at all.

 Before you go ahead to invest in the digital shelf labels, there are various questions you need to ask yourself. The first one is if the ESL system you are choosing can send acknowledgements of price changes. In order to ensure pricing integrity in your retail business, the ESL device installed in your store should be able to receive and send data. The head office of your business will want to know if the price changes sent to the ESL are received and published on the device. If you invest in an ESL system that does not have a two-way capability, you will leave yourself exposed to pricing integrity issues and, in the worst case scenario, compliance problems.

Before investing in digital shelf labels, you also need to ask yourself if the ESL system accommodate large volumes of pricing changes. If your store network is large or you make multiple pricing changes in a short period of time, the speed of transmission for your ESL system is a very crucial factor. The transmission rates for ESLs are broad, ranging from 1,000 changes per hour to hundreds of thousands of changes per hour. You need to make sure that the vendor you will work with can handle the volumes your store requires.

For more information on what to do before investing in digital shelf labels, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

The Different Electronic Shelf Label Options You Can Use In Your Business

Electronic shelf labels (ESLs) are gaining popularity in most retail stores these days, and there are multiple ways that these retail stores and even warehousing facilities can use ESLs. For instance, the ESLs can be used as asset and location based service applications, data gathering and analysis applications, scheduling applications and information pushing applications. With such myriad ways in the application, it would come as no surprise that ESL solutions will also come in various forms, configurations, as well as features. Below, we look at some of the most popular electronic shelf label options that you can implement in your retail or warehouse operations.

First of all, ESLs can be used as freezer labels. In many retail stores, there is cold storage that can go down to harsh freezing temperatures. In such environments, ordinary paper price tags simply will not cut it. When you use ESL freezer labels, they will give you optimal performance in such special scenarios and environments, enabling real-time update of the information through their reliable wireless connectivity as well as intuitive displays. When ESL freezer labels are used in conjunction with sensor solutions, they can also be an additional failsafe particularly when monitoring critical temperature levels.

Apart from being used as freezer labels, ESLs can also be used as graphic labels. Probably the most common application for electronic shelf label solutions is their use as graphic labels for displaying product or item information. ESL graphic labels are available in various sizes and features on a fully graphical e-ink display that showcases information in black or white, or in black and white with yellow or red highlights for emphasis.

 For more information on the different electronic shelf label options you can use in your business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

The Benefits of Using Wireless Price Tags

If you are a retail business owner and are thinking of investing in wireless price tags, you can rest assured that you are making a smart move because the wireless labels have proven to have a lot of benefits. Research shows that a lot of customers would prefer to go to store that uses electronic shelf labels as opposed to one that uses paper labels. So by making the step to invest in ESLs, you may end up gaining an edge over your competitors.

 So, what are some of the advantages of using wireless price tags in your retail business? First of all, using wireless labels can ensure more accurate pricing and also save employees time. Not only is electronic pricing easier to edit, but it is also more accurate. Your employees will no longer have to waste their time making hundreds of small changes around the retail store. If you subject your employees to such tedious work, it means that there will inevitably be mistakes in pricing around your retail store.

In most retail stores, products are offered at the price that they are listed instead of the actual price. In such a case, even just a small mistake can prove to be quite costly in the end.  When you switch to wireless price tags, changes can be made en masse from the back-end. If there are any mistakes in pricing, they can be fixed just as quickly instead of requiring manual changes that leave room for the same thing to happen again in future. In the end, your employees are going to spend their time helping your customers instead of wasting it tending to price labels.

 For more information on the benefits of using wireless price tags, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Martes, Hulyo 13, 2021

Benefits Of Using Electronic Shelf Label System In Your Retail Business

If you are considering switching from paper price tags to electronic shelf label system in your retail business, rest assured that you have  made a step in the right direction.  Many retailers these days are embracing the ESLs because they have realized that they carry a lot of benefits. Even though there is the  notion that ESLs are expensive, you will realize that they are not when you start using them.

So, how exactly  can you benefit from using electronic shelf labels in your business? First of all, ESLs can lead to improved productivity. If your retail business has grown and expanded , you probably deal with price changes in large batches throughout the week. This can result into staffing problems and require employees to spend large amounts of time on tasks that most of them find boring. When you switch to ESLs, you can improve your staff allocation and make sure that your employees are doing what matters the most - engaging and serving your shoppers.

Another benefit of using electronic shelf label system is that it can lead to price optimization. Using price optimization algorithms, you  can adjust the prices that your shoppers pay based on their buying practices, supplier prices, and much more. When you switch from paper price tags to electronic shelf labels, you can make immediate price changes based on recommendations that you will get from your big data system to boost revenue and growth and also enhance profit margins. If you continue using paper labels, you could end up losing customers due to inability to make important price changes in your  retail store as quickly as possible.

For more information on the benefits of using electronic shelf label system  in your retail business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Benefits of Using Electronic Price Labels in Your Business

If you have been reluctant to switch from paper price tags to electronic price labels in your business, rest assured that it is a move that can benefit your business in many different ways. Even though paper labels may be doing the job, you are going to benefit more from the electronic labels.  Some people think that using ESLs is expensive, but the truth of the matter is that you are going to save some money in the long run as a result of using ESLs in your business.

So, how exactly will the electronic price labels help your business? First of all, the ESLs are going to improve the customer service of your business. According to a study that was conducted by KPMG, 64 percent of shoppers believe that a store with electronic shelf labels provides better customer service compared to those stores without. This could be partly because of the sophisticated technology that ESLs bring to a store.  Just having them ESLs in your business enhances consumer perception of price accuracy. The electronic price labels will also allow your store to share important product information, give your shoppers the ability to view their savings, and provide options for customers to engage with the labels via smartphones in your aisle.

In the retail business today, profitability is something that largely depends on efficient buying and merchandising along with ways to improve store operations as well as shopper experience. When you switch from paper labels to electronic shelf labels in your retail business, you will be able to provide real-time product positioning. The ESLs are the core of any successful strategy for retail grocers as well as the digital future of stores everywhere.

For more information on the benefits of using electronic price labels in your business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Biyernes, Hunyo 18, 2021

The Benefits of Using Digital Price Tag Technology in Your Retail Business

If you are looking for ways to improve the operations and profitability of your retail business, you should consider implementing digital price tag technology. Traditionally, retail stores have product labels printed for every unique item they sell in the shop. These labels might be attached to the shelf above or below the product display, can be printed and tagged onto the item itself, or they can added to windows or other larger displays. But times are changing and there are some huge benefits of using digital price tags.

One of the benefits of digital labels is that they show more information. With more modern electronic shelf label technology, more information can be displayed on each label, meaning that you can show a whole lot more information than just the price. Electronic shelf labels can also be used to display nutritional facts, additional product information, size, stock remaining as well as price per weight. You ca include this details to the main label itself or you can print a QR that can be used to access the additional information through your store’s app or website. QR code marketing can help a great deal with promotions or sales in your business.

Another benefit of digital price tags is that they can track customer movements and patterns. You can install movement sensors in each electronic price label at a relatively low cost. These sensors can be used to track all customer movement as well as traffic around your store, providing you with a virtual heat map of your retail space. When you have a detailed understanding of your in-store traffic, it can help you with product placement, aisle layout, promotional areas and displays and more.

 For more information on the benefits of using digital price tag technology in your retail business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/



The Benefits of Using Digital Price Display Technology In Your Retail Business

When it comes to the things you can do to improve profitability in your retail business, one of the things you should definitely consider is implementing digital price display technology. There are some businesses that have already embraced this technology and are benefitting a great deal from it. Below are some of the benefits of digital price tags.

First and foremost, when you use digital price display technology in your business, you will help save on paper and plastic. Printing labels whenever you make a change to your price or want to replace a beat up label is a huge waste especially for those retailers who sell hundreds or thousands of different products. Paper and plastic product labels are expensive and they add to more waste, which is clearly something that the world needs a whole lot less of right now, especially from the retail sector. When you start using electronic labels, it means that you only have to purchase the labels once. Nothing will be thrown out, and prices are always up to date with the ESLs.

Another benefit of using digital price display technology is that it is more accurate and it can help save employees time. Not only is electronic pricing easier to edit, but it is also more accurate, always. Your employees will no longer have to waste their time making hundreds of small changes around the retail store. Since this task can be so tedious if done manually, it means that there will inevitably be mistakes in pricing around the store if you use paper labels. If you offer products at the price that they are listed instead of the actual price, just a simple mistake can prove to be quite costly in the end.

For more information on the benefits of using digital price display technology, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/



The Benefits of Investing in the Electronic Shelf Label System

If you still used paper labels in your retail business, you should seriously consider switching to the electronic shelf label system. While paper labels have low initial investment costs, the problem is that you need to replace them on a daily basis, something that involves multiple consumptions of manpower, time, ink and paper.  For large retail businesses, such as supermarkets, the input cost is actually not low.

Even though the electronic shelf labels have a high one-time investment cost in the early stage, the advantage is that there is basically no need to replace the maintenance cost in the later stage. The use of the electronic shelf label has various advantages, including fast, accurate, flexible and efficient price adjustment, ability to perform data verification to prevent incorrect or omitted pricing, and the ability to synchronize with the background database and keep the same with the cash register and price inquiry terminal.

Electronic shelf labels also facilitate unified headquarters management, effective monitoring as well as reduction of management loopholes. With this type of labeling system, you can also effectively reduce man power, management costs material resources and other variable costs. The electronic shelf label system can also improve store image, customer satisfaction as well as social credibility.

The electronic price tags can realize remote one-click fast price change as well as synchronous price change of the same product in stores across the country, something that can reduce the labor costs as well as operating costs of retail stores. They can also implement a hierarchical management system, which can uniformly manage price tags at the headquarters.

With the electronic shelf label system, it will also be easy to manage price tags by region and store, which is suitable for retail stores such as national supermarket chains, large supermarkets, and national convenience stores that need to improve the efficiency of commodity price management.

For more information on the benefits of investing in the electronic shelf label system, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/



Lunes, Hunyo 7, 2021

The Benefits of Electronic Price Labels

So you have decided to switch from paper labels to electronic price labels in your retail business. You have made a step in the right direction because the electronic labels have a lot of benefits. If properly implemented, the ESLs can help improve your profit margins and materially cut labor costs. The following are some of the benefits of these labels.

Among the benefits that you can get from electronic price labels is information control and standardization. ESLs can help manage the information displayed to the consumer in real time and anywhere. With the help of cloud control, you can send information to multiple branches and stores simultaneously and notify your employees about any important changes or new displays (price changes). Cloud control can also help to adjust prices as well as displays based on branch locations as well as local or point-of-sale specific price offers.

 The centralized information and price management for sales networks provided by the electronic price labels is a key requirement for effective sales and price coordination in each point of sale. The head office or the manager of various retail stores can then determine their own pricing and display policy and apply it to the whole network.

Another benefit of electronic price labels is that they can display advertisements and promotions. Price control by item type or season is an important and time-consuming task in in-store display management. Since ESLs provide real-time display of promotions, percentage of discount or potential savings for the consumer, they enable margin control and promotion performance at all times. If you are a point-of-sale manager, you can adjust prices based on performance and more easily direct your customers to interesting products that are still in stock.

 For more information on the benefits of electronic price labels, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/



The Benefits of Electronic LED Labels

If the thought of using electronic LED labels has never crossed your mind, it is something you should consider. These price labels have a lot of benefits for retailers, but ultimately, the greatest advantages are the ability to engage in real-time dynamic pricing in-store as well as the ability to build an omnichannel experience to enhance customer loyalty. The following are some of the reasons why you should consider the investment.

One of the reasons to consider electronic LED labels is the shelf edge influence.  The shelf edge happens to be one of the most important sales influencers. Because a lot of purchases are made at this point, you need to make sure that your pricing information is accurate.  With paper price tags, changing pricing information is prone to human error. The process is very slow, and by the time you finish re-labeling the products, prices might have changed again online.

With electronic LED labels, these changes are easy to make, so you can capture more sales at the shelf edge. You can react competitively to price changes, track what promotions work, enable instant promotions, and protect margins on time-sensitive stock. You can even create offers based on where specific customers are standing in your retail store with just a few clicks.

Another benefit of using electronic LED labels is that it can help enhance your omnichannel experience. Omnichannel is without doubt the future of retail. Findings from research show that over 55 percent of consumers feel that technology improves their shopping experiences. ESLs enable you to interact with your customers in ways that were not possible previously. You can display stock levels so customers know whether the supply is limited, display online prices of competition so consumers can trust you when you say you have the best price, and enable simple ordering with QR codes.

 For more information on the benefits of electronic LED labels, visit our website https://solumesl.com/



The Benefits Electronic Retail Shelf Tags

If you are looking for the best ways to improve the operation and profitability of your retail business, one of the things you should definitely give a try is electronic retail shelf tags. A lot of business people are making the switch for paper labels to electronic shelf labels after realizing just how beneficial the ESLs are. In this article, we look at some of the ways that you can benefit from electronic shelf labels.

One of the things that the electronic retail shelf tags can do is help improve customer satisfaction and customer experience. Both consumer retention and engagement are crucial indicators of customer satisfaction. Improving the in-store experience of your customers is one of the key success factors for point-of-sale managers and ESLs can play an important role in this regard. For instance, consumers can rapidly see information about the product they are interested in, their price, and their origin. Consumers can also better identify the promotional items thanks to colors.

Colorization or presence of photos of the products offered by some ESL suppliers makes it possible to clearly identify the price according to the product no matter the layout on the shelf. Labelling provides a truly enhanced customer experience and can save consumers a lot of time when searching for information or identifying good deals.

Another area that electronic retail shelf tags can help in is inventory management. This is a key task in the proper organization of a point of sale, whether it is physical or virtual. However, this does not necessarily mean that it is a task that cannot be optimized. For example, each label can be geo-located within the POS, something that will make it easier for employees to restock items.

For information on the benefits electronic retail shelf tags, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/



Miyerkules, Mayo 12, 2021

Things To Do When Implementing Digital Price Tag Technology

If you are thinking of implementing digital price tag  technology in your retail business, you need to know what to do to make sure that the implementation is not only successful, but you also get value for money. There has never been a better time to fully consider the impact of the ESL technology on your retail ticketing strategy.  The following are some of the things you need to know during implementation.

 First of all, you need to know if the ESL is able to send acknowledgements of price changes.  To make sure that there is pricing integrity, the ESL device that you will install in your store must be able to receive and send data. The head office of your retail business will want to know if the price changes sent to the ESL is received and published on the device. If you choose an ESL device that does not have a 2-way capability, you will leave yourself exposed to pricing integrity issues and, in the worst case scenario, compliance problems.

Another question you need to ask yourself when adopting digital price tag in your business is if the ESL accommodates large volumes of pricing changes. If your store network is large or you make multiple pricing changes in a short period of time, the speed of transmission for the electronic shelf labelling system is very important. The transmission rates for ESL are broad, ranging from 1,000 changes per hour to hundreds of thousands of changes every hour. You need to make sure that the vendor you will choose is able to handle the volumes that your store requires.

For more tips on what to do when implementing digital price tag technology in your business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

The Benefits of the Electronic Shelf Labeling System

If you have decided to venture into retail business, one of the things you can do in order to be as successful as you want is using the electronic shelf labeling system. Electronic shelf labels are simply the “electronic” versions of the paper price tags which use e-ink to display prices and are connected to a computer database.  The following are some of the ways that you can benefit from using the ESLs in your business.

First of all, the electronic shelf labeling system can ensure accurate pricing across channels. The internet has completely transformed the way that people shop these days, and it is not uncommon for consumers to price check items while they are standing in a store. People can lose trust in your company very fast if the in-store prices do not align with the online display. Unfortunately, this is often the reality consumers encounter in most retail stores.

When you use electronic shelf labels, they can completely change that interaction. Since these labels provide one standardized pricing system, your customers will not be disappointed by price differences. Any online price change in-store, can reflect immediately.   The ESLs will also allow you to align your promotion prices, audit trails for the headquarter to check changes, and fix any errors in pricing. As a result, your prices will be accurate across the board and your customers will be able to see your optimal price.

Another benefit of using electronic shelf labeling system is the shelf edge influence. The shelf edge is without doubt one of the most important sales influencers. Since a lot of purchases in most retail stores are made at this point, you want to make sure your pricing information is accurate. With ESLs, price changes are so easy, and because of that you can capture more sales at the shelf edge.

For more information on the benefits of the electronic shelf labeling system, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

The Benefits of LED Labels

Using LED labels in your retail business is something that can benefit you a great deal. This is the direction that the retail world is moving, so you should think of doing away with paper labels and adopting the electronic LED labels.  Below are some of the benefits that you can get from using these labels.  

One of the things that you will love about the LED labels is that they are more accurate and can save employees time. Electronic pricing is a lot easier to edit, and it is always more accurate compared to the paper labels. Once you implement this technology in your retail business, your employees will no longer waste their time countless small changes around the store. Such tedious work can cause inevitably many mistakes in pricing around the store. If you are one of the retailers who offer products at the price that they are listed as opposed to the actual price, just a small mistake can be quite costly in the end.

Another benefit of LED labels is that they can help you stay more green and reduce inventory loss in your retail business. Quick changes to prices can help you move through products more quickly. If you find that certain product in your retail store is not moving, you can adjust the prices to see if anything changes. With ESLs, adjusting promotional pricing is so easy, meaning that running promotions and getting rid of slow stock is also very easy.

If you sell perishable stock in your retail store, this is even more important. More than 40 percent of food that is produced is wasted. Using smarter pricing can help cut this down. The smarter pricing may make a huge difference by saving both you and consumer money, while helping to minimize waste.

 For more information on the benefits of LED labels, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/


Biyernes, Abril 30, 2021

How To Choose The Right Electronic Shelf Label Companies

If you in retail business and have decided to use electric shelf labels going forward, you will need to look for the right electronic shelf label companies to work with. The electronic shelf labels are quickly becoming a viable part of a ticketing strategy as most retailers begin implementation across a variety of industry segments. As this technology matures and the hardware costs drop, more and more organizations are taking a serious look at using electronic shelf labelling system as part of their store promotions as well as ticketing solution.  The following are some tips on how to choose the right ESL companies.

There are various things you need to know when choosing electronic shelf label companies to work with. The first one is if your current ticketing system supports ESL. A good ticketing solution should not be limited to where it can provide pricing or promotional information. The best thing to do is look for look for a solution that will capitalize on the investment in ticketing that you have already made. Switching to ESL displays in your retail business could also be an ideal time for you to evaluate your current ticketing strategy and adopt a strategic system that can replace legacy or homegrown systems.

Another thing you need to know when looking for the right electronic shelf label companies to work with is if you will be required to purchase an additional ticketing system to support your ESL.A lot of retailers use a mix of ESL and printed store promotions and tickets. The printed tickets can be made to complement an ESL installation by creating a different visual for the shopper. But the productivity gains that are realized with an ESL can quickly become eroded if you have to support and maintain two separate ticketing systems. Even if you are able to cut over to 100 percent ESL, you still want to have ability to print tickets in the unlikely event of a failure.

For more tips on how to choose the right electronic shelf label companies, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

How To Choose A Wireless Price Tags Vendor

Are thinking of using wireless price tags in your business? Since ESLs have a lot of benefits, you can be sure that you are making a step in the right direction. But you will need to look for a reputable vendor to work with to be able to enjoy every benefit that comes with implementing this technology.

There are various things you will need to consider during your search for the right ESL vendor.  One of them is if the prospective candidates can provide local case studies. Knowing about local implementations and being able to visit a store that is successfully using ESL is extremely useful towards helping you make an informed purchasing decision. You should ask your ESL vendor to arrange a visit with a current customer or share a case study with you.

Another thing you need to do when looking for a good wireless price tags vendor is ask the prospective candidates about the roadmap for future developments. It is without any doubt that technology is constantly changing. So, before you go ahead to invest in an ESL solution, you need to make sure that you understand what the vendor has planned for the future. Do not be afraid to ask how much investment is made in research and development, as well as what enhancements you can expect from the vendor in the months and years to come.

Since retail industry is already managing highly technical as well complex operating environments, introducing more technology with ESL can provide dramatic productivity gains in making provided that it dovetails with a current ticketing solution. When you add wireless price tags to your organization, it may just as easily complicate your ticketing even further if you do not have a comprehensive ticketing strategy in place. You need to look for solutions with a local presence as well as an expertise in overall ticketing strategies.

For more tips on how to choose a wireless price tags vendor, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Martes, Abril 13, 2021

Tips For Successful Digital Price Tag Technology Implementation

If you are a retail business owner and have decided to switch from paper labels to digital price tag technology, you need to know what to do in order to benefit the most from this technology.  In order to all potential benefits of an ESL system, it needs to be rolled out over the right technological foundation.

Low power consumption is a necessity when it comes to ESL cost-efficiency. Similarly, electronic shelf label systems need to be scalable enough to incorporate hundreds, or even thousands, of connected nodes while at the same time facilitating effective communication throughout retail stores of any size.  

Since we live an era where a lot of high-profile hacks of have been reported in the recent past, retailers need to make security a top priority as they continue to expand their digital portfolios.

An ideal digital price tag technology deployment will look slightly different for every retail business. For instance, a grocery store that sells whole foods will have different needs than a specialty retailer, which will have different needs than a big box store. To a large extent, the unique needs of your retail business as well as existing infrastructure will determine your priorities as well as the challenges you will have to overcome as you seek to implement ESLs.

 For your digital price tag technology implementation to be worthwhile, make sure that you consider your store’s layout. RF signals should be able to reach every label in your store in order to ensure accurate pricing, but this can be difficult to achieve if there are physical barriers in the way. For example, if you have a grocery store, you will need to ensure your ESL system’s RF hardware can transmit signals with enough power to penetrate steel and glass refrigerators.

For more tips on successful digital price tag technology implementation, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Tips For Implementing Digital Shelf Labels In Your Business

While investing in digital shelf labels can benefit you in many different ways, you need to make sure that the implementation is done properly for you to be able to get the most out of these labels. These “electronic” versions of price tags use e-ink for displaying a price and are connected to a computer database. This makes changing pricing information in a retail store as easy as typing a new price into the software and pressing ENTER.

When selecting and ESL solution, there are various questions you need to ask yourself.  The first one is if the ESL can send acknowledgements of price changes.  In order to ensure pricing integrity in your retail business, the ESL device you will install your store must be able to receive and send data. The head office will want to know if the price changes sent to the ESL have been received and published on the device.  If you choose an ESL system that does not have a 2-way capability, you will leave yourself exposed to pricing integrity issues and, in the worst case scenario, you may be faced with compliance problems.

Another important question you need to consider when choosing digital shelf labels is if the ESLs can accommodate large volumes of pricing changes. If your retail store network is large or multiple pricing changes are made in a short period of time, the speed of transmission for your ESL solution is very important. The transmission rates for ESL are broad. They can range from 1,000 changes per hour to hundreds of thousands of changes per hour. So make sure that the ESL vendor you will choose can be able to handle the volumes that your store requires.

For more tips on how to implement digital shelf labels in your business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Things To Consider When Investing In Electronic Price Tag Technology

If you have decided to invest in electronic price tag technology in order to boost operations in your retail business, you need to know what to do in order to get it right. A lot of retailers, including many top global department stores, drug stores and supermarkets, are already using ESLs. What’s more, the ESL market is growing very quickly. It is a technology that you will not regret at all provided that it is implemented properly.

When implementing ESLs in your retail business, there are various things you should consider. One of them is appearance. As a retail business owner, you do not want to be limited when it comes to the “look” of your labels. You need to make sure that you are able to choose between several sizes, and the graphics are as crisp and readable as you would like them to be. Electronic shelf labels can even incorporate attention-grabbing such as blinking colored lights.

Another important thing you should consider when you decide to implement electronic price tag technology in your business is cost. The cost-effectiveness of an electronic shelf labelling system is always going to be an important consideration that you cannot ignore.

In order for you get a feel for whether ESLs represent an economically prudent option, you should compare your initial investment in ESLs with  your existing re-labelling costs - which can be quite large if you own a high-inventory store.  It is also important for you to consider the ongoing maintenance costs of the electronic shelf labels and understand how long various types of low-power devices you have in your organization will actually last.

For more information on what to consider when investing in electronic price tag technology, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Miyerkules, Marso 31, 2021

How To Implement Electronic Shelf Labels

When you decide to use electronic shelf labels in your business, you need to know what to consider during implementation of this technology for it to be worthwhile. It is important to remember that an ideal ESL deployment does not look the same for every retailer. To a large extent, the unique needs of a retailer as well as the existing infrastructure will determine their priorities and the challenges they will have to overcome as they seek to implement the ESLs. Below are some real-world factors retailers have to consider when rolling out their ESLs.

One of the things you definitely have to consider when implementing electronic shelf labels in your business is workflow. Electronic shelf labels are supposed to streamline the labelling process, but this means that your technological capabilities should align with how you are actually going to use your labels. For example, do you want prices to come straight from corporate, or will be pricing be handled at the store level? In case prices will come from corporate, your headquarters will have to manage communication between multiple retail stores and a central server or a cloud setup, something that will necessitate an added layer of technology as well as management.

Another thing you need to consider when implementing electronic shelf labels in your business is custom development. Apart from ensuring the ESL system suits its current inventory management practices, it also makes sense for you, the retailer, to choose a system that has a robust protocol stack that can be reconfigured to suit your shifting needs. For example, while you may want to explore how shoppers can use their phones to interact with your ESLs directly, you need to remember that not all back-ends can support this kind of interactivity.

For more tips on how to implement electronic shelf labels, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

How To Get The Most Out Of Electronic Shelf Price Tags In Your Retail Business

Investing in electronic shelf price tags is one of the things you can do in order to minimize cost and maximize profits in your retail business.  While paper labels may be doing the work just fine, they are not as good as the electronic labels. These labels show more information, will help in tracking customer movements and patterns, and will help you save on paper and plastic, among many other benefits.

 For you to be able to enjoy the abovementioned benefits of electronic shelf price tags and more, you need to make sure that the implementation is done properly. One of the things you will need to consider is if the ESL can accommodate large volumes of pricing changes. If your retail store network has expanded or you make multiple pricing changes in a short time frame, the speed of transmission of the ESL system you will choose is very important. Make sure your vendor has the capability to handle the volumes your store requires.

In order to get the most out of electronic shelf price tags, you also need to find out if the ESL vendor supplies multiple sizes of tickets, including shelf edge as well as promotional talkers. Ideally, as retail business owner, you will need multiple sizes of tickets throughout your store. Additionally, every different ticket or promotion will require different layouts and, quite possibly, a number of layouts per size. Before you choose an ESL vendor, make sure that they can manage multiple templates and apply them to the ESL as well as printed promotions and tickets.

For more tips on how to get the most out of electronic shelf price tags in your retail business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

How To Choose A Good Digital Price Display Solution

When you decide to switch from paper labels to digital price display in your retail business, you need to know what to do in order to get the most out of this technology. Digital price labels are not a new thing. They have been around for quite some time, but there are some retailers who are still skeptical about using them.  Some retailers think that implementing digital price label technology is expensive, but the truth of the matter is that it is cheaper in the long run.

Before you go ahead to invest in an ESL solution, there are various things you need to know.  One of them is if individual stores can control pricing. If that is possible, find out if your head office will be aware when it happens. Despite marketing needing to control ticketing across a retail enterprise, the retail store managers will always have the need to run their own promotions so as to effectively manage their stock as well as support local events. For this reason, it is important to choose an ESL system that provides this flexibility, but it is equally vital that this is done with full knowledge of the corporate marketing department.

Another thing you need to know when choosing a digital price display solution is the insights that are provided to marketing from the ESL backend. You need to determine if the reporting is sufficient enough to inform head office about the prices that have been applied to what stores. Find out if marketing can tell immediately where stores have overridden prices or not implemented changes in price. A truly effective ticketing strategy should put the marketing department in control of all promotions and offer insight into how the tickets are being implemented at the individual store level. Most importantly, this information must be consolidated across all tickets as well as promotions, both printed and ESL.

For more tips on how to choose a good digital price display solution, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Huwebes, Pebrero 25, 2021

The Benefits Of Using LED Labels In Your Business

If you have never considered using LED labels, it is something that you should definitely consider. Throughout the years, automation has been embraced by the retail sector, and it has been proven to be beneficial for retailers, something that has led to the adoption of electronic shelf labels across many retail stores, for instance convenience stores, appliance stores, supermarkets and department stores. Using LED labels in your business can reduce labor by allowing you to implement dynamic pricing solutions and remove manual operations.

There are various ways that you can benefit from using LED label technology in your business. First of all, it can help reduce operational cost.  You are going to experience significant savings in labor as well as materials costs when you take advantage of ESL’s features in time. If you continue using paper labels, too many papers, printers, ink, and employees’ time are needed to display a single product price. However, with the digital price tags, your staff can make a change from the POS to update hundreds or even thousands of labels on store shelves in a matter of minutes. Moreover, they will be able save more time focusing on customer service.

Another benefit of using LED labels in your retail store is easier management of inventory. Digital labels also make inventory information digital. The associates if your retail store can better locate where stock is supposed to go, improving replenishment and returns. The electronic labels can also connect your inventory data to your online store, and that way, you can easily manage order fulfillment through your store’s website. This is a technology that a lot of businesses have embraced, and so you will not regret implementing it in your business.

For more information on the benefits of using LED labels in your business, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

The Benefits Of Digital Shelf Edge Label Technology

Using digital shelf edge label technology is something that you should consider if you are in the retail business.  This technology can help improve your margins as well as what they are going to cost. The following are some of the benefits that the digital labels can bring to your business.

One of the benefits that you can get from the electronic shelf edge label technology is channel synchronization. With the ESLs, the price on your store shelf is going to be the same as your price online, on your mobile app, and across many other locations where you are selling your products. This will keep your online and offline channels synchronized to make sure that there is a unified experience for your shoppers no matter how they engage with you.

Another important benefit of using digital shelf edge label technology is accurate, reliable pricing for your products. Paper labels can mean frequent and costly errors in your retail store. This can be because of shelf crawl, pricing that has not been updated, missing tags. This can lead to unhappy shoppers that feel like you are overcharging them compared to the price that you have indicated on the shelf. Or, if the price is too high, it can mean lower sales and excess inventory in your retail business. Using ESLs can eliminate these issues by ensuring price integrity.

Last but not least, use of digital shelf edge label technology can lead to improved productivity. In a busy retail store, price changes can come in large batches throughout the week, something that can cause staffing problems and require employees to spend a lot time on a task that most find boring. With ESLs, you can improve your staff allocation and use your employees to do what matters the most - engaging and serving your shoppers.

For more information on the benefits of digital shelf edge label technology, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Problems Solved By Retail Shelf Tags

Running retail without shelf tags can be very challenging. Initially, most retail shops never had shelf tags. What customers did was simply go pick whatever they needed and the retailer would tell them the price of the item they were to buy. This whole process had several challenges. It needed a retailer to always be sharp and aware of the prices of all the goods he sold at his fingertips. The customer also faced challenges due to the absence of retail shelf tags. Below are some of the problems solved by retail tags.

The first problem solved by retail shelf tags is price switching. Some retailers may switch prices when seeing customers that look wealthy at times. Having price tags will make it difficult for dishonest retailers or employees to do so. We have seen cases where an employee tries to get an extra tip by overcharging a customer and keeping the rest of the money. This may tarnish the image of your retail if customers realize they are charged different prices for items. Having shelf tags help maintain honesty in your operations.

The second problem solved by retail shelf tags is budgeting. Shopping blindly without knowing the actual prices of the items you are purchasing can be confusing and challenging. One might end up picking more items than one can afford. Having shelf tags enable a buyer to stick to his/her budget. Reaching the counter and having to return some items can be embarrassing to a customer. Some may even keep off from your retail after such an experience.

Lastly, another problem solved by retail shelf tags is a misunderstanding of prices. At times employees and the retailer may have a hard time remembering the price they sell a certain item. In such a case the customer may take this as a sign of dishonesty. Price tags help in clearing the issue. Such kind of misunderstandings can result in losing your customers if not well handled.

For more information on problems solved by retail shelf tags, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/