Miyerkules, Agosto 11, 2021

Uses of Electronic Shelf Price Tags

Electronic shelf price tags have made it easier for retailers and businesses generally to change the prices of their commodities with ease without having to go through long processes and channels. This is one of the many benefits brought by the use of electronic shelf price tags. It is smart for a business to use electronic shelf price tags to be able to compete favorably with other businesses. Manual price tags can derail you in your operations. Embracing technology takes a business to the next level. Below are some of the uses of electronic shelf price tags.

The first use of electronic shelf price tags is that they can be used as a product finder. This makes it easy for customers to find a product while in retail. Helps business owners save on the cost of hiring assistants. This function is however made possible by using external applications which integrate and enable the electronic shelf price tags to be read and spotted using a customer’s mobile application. In this case, a customer walking in a supermarket for example would only have to key in the product in the app and he/she is directed to where he/she can find what he/she needs.

Another use of electronic shelf price tags is that they can be used as an in-store heat map. This feature enables owners to detect high traffic areas and products that attract lots of customers. This is possible through using Bluetooth low-energy-enabled devices. The electronic shelf price tag in this case is integrated with the Bluetooth device that tracks the movement of the customers, measuring the time they spend on a particular area in the shop. When an image is displayed on the floor on the label management software which includes a heat map that is used to detect and show locations of the installed hotspot areas.

For more information on the uses of electronic shelf price tags, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/




Types of Electronic Price Labels

Electronic price labels have taken the retail market by a revolutionary force. More businesses looking forward to upgrading have to greatly consider installing electronic price labels. As of today, electronic price labels are among the top trends in shelf price labeling across the world.  Choosing the right labels can be an overwhelming and frustrating business one has to handle. Far aside from the hurdle of deciding which type of electronic price labels are the right for the business, one has to be aware of fake products in the market. The following are the types of electronic price labels that one should take note of before upgrading to this type of labeling.

The first type of electronic price labels that businesses have to take note of is electronic shelf edge labels. These are perhaps the most common type of electronic price labels. They comprise display modules that are controlled by a central control server. The advantage of using electronic shelf edge labels is that they are very easy to install since they are installed at the edge of a given shelf. In addition, they can be modified for advanced functions such as stock levels monitoring. They are also quite efficient in the sense that they can be rescued to display the price of other items.

Another type of electronic price labels that businesses have to take note of is fashion store tags. This particular type of electronic price label is usually used in high-end shops such as high-end boutiques. The entire system comes with a display module, two-way radio equipment, and control software. This is quite an efficient and sophisticated price labeling system that is aimed at improving customer service.

For more information on the types of electronic price labels that businesses have to take note of when upgrading the price labeling systems, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Trends In Electronic Shelf Labels

Electronic shelf labeling is the new norm in the retail market. The benefits that retail gets by installing electronic shelf labels are quite a lot. From the reduction of the pricing margin error to efficient pricing to improved customer service, electron shelf labels have proved to be a game-changer in the retail world. Electronic shelf labels are the current trends in labeling. However, in a business environment, it is always of utmost importance to make the most out of every resource available. The following are the trends in electronic shelf labels a given business ought to consider.

The first trend in electronic shelf labels that businesses need to consider is stock monitoring. It is not a new scenario for most shoppers to walk into retail and find that a given item is out of stock. This is common to many businesses around the world. This usually emanates from late procurement of items whose stock is running low. Sometimes inaccurate planning for procurement causes the same. An expected trend to solve this particular problem is to redesign and tailor electronic shelf labels to monitor the stock levels. In the event that a projected drop in the stock level is detected, the electronic shelf labels could then notify the operator of the same for action.

Another trend in electronic shelf labels that businesses need to consider is remote control and update. Some businesses have already jumped on this particular bandwagon while others are yet to adopt the same. Electronic shelf labels are usually controlled and updated by a control server that is in the same building. As such, if a given retail shop has several outlets, it has to install separate control servers in each outlet. Redesigning the servers into a single central control server is, therefore, the way to go. Regardless of the location of the outlets, the electronic shelf labels in all the outlets can be controlled and updated from the central control server.

For more information on the trends in electronic shelf labels that a business needs to consider, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Miyerkules, Agosto 4, 2021

Benefits of Shelf Edge Label

Proper arrangement of items is key for any retail shop when it comes to ensuring the proper recording of inventory and stock levels. However, this alone is not sufficient in ensuring pricing is done correctly. This is where the shelf edge label comes in handy. Shelf edge labels are basically labels that are used in the retail industry to display product, pricing, and promotional information in retail environments. They can also be used to add stock information to shelving units and racking in storage warehouses. From these main roles, shelf edge labels have the following benefits.

The first benefit of the shelf edge label is the shelf edge influence. As mentioned before, shelf edge labels can be used to display promotional information in retail environments and also add stock information to shelving units. One instance of the display of promotional information is alerting the customers of new products in the market or other products that given retail is selling. This has an enormous influence since a customer can act right and then.

Another benefit of the shelf edge label is the monitoring of stock levels. This is in the case of electronic shelf edge labels which are monitored and controlled from a central server. It is usually difficult to keep a record of stock levels every time especially for a large retail shop. Electronic shelf edge labels can be redesigned and tailored to inform the operator of the control servers about the products whose stock is running low.

The last benefit of the shelf edge label is improved sales. This is more so the case with shelf edge labels that have two-way radio equipment for communication. This makes customers appreciate the customer service of that particular retail and in the long run, always prefer that particular retail to other retailers.

For more information on the benefits of the shelf edge label, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Benefits of Hiring Electronic Price Tag Companies

Electronic price tags have helped many businesses around the world to move swiftly ahead of their time. Installing electronic price tags cuts down on labor costs meant to maintain manual or paper price tags. In addition, electronic price tags can be reused and used with a wide range of products. Electronic price tags are actually the latest trends in the sales marketplace. Several retail shops have been able to install electronic price tags on their own without the help of external parties. However, it is important to consult and let an installation company handle the same. The following are the benefits of hiring electronic price tag companies for installation.

The first benefit of hiring electronic price tag companies is for proper and reliable setup. Electronic price tags are usually controlled by control servers. The display modules link to the control servers through an internet connection. Making sure that several electronic price tags have properly and reliably linked to the control servers can be frustrating and overwhelming to a person who has never installed the same. Mislinking the electronic price tags to the servers can result in very costly pricing errors. For instance, the price of a given item can be labeled as the price of another different item. In the worst scenario, the price tags might not display the relevant information.

Another benefit of hiring electronic price tag companies is the installation cover insurance. Inappropriate installation of these price tags can result in their damage hence extra procurement costs. In addition, one might damage items within a given space while installing the price tags. Installation companies usually offer an installation cover so which ensures that in the event the price tags get damaged or other items get damaged during the installation, the owner does not have to incur the extra costs of the installation.

For more information on the benefits of hiring electronic price tag companies to do the installation, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Benefits of Electronic Shelf Label System

An electronic shelf label system is one of the digital ways of displaying the price of items on shelves. It usually incorporates a module that is placed on the shelves to display the prices and a server that controls the module. Unlike manual price tags which the price of items has to be manually changed, the price of the electronic module is changed by updating the details on the control servers. Electronic shelf label systems are hugely being used by large retailers that would find other means of shelf labeling rather inconvenient. The following are the benefits of an electronic shelf label system.

The first benefit of an electronic shelf label system is improved customer service. This is more visible for large retailers that deal with many products. In the absence of an electronic shelf label system, the retail employees would put more focus on updating the manual price tag. This is not only overwhelming but it can also be frustrating. The ripple effect of this is usually poor customer service. With an electronic shelf label system,  updating the price of items can easily be executed from the control server hence the focus can be shifted to consumers. For instance, customers can now be given more attention in regards to locating products within the retail.

Another benefit of an electronic shelf label system is pricing with agility. This is more useful especially for retailers that have several outlets dealing with the same products. In this case, changes made to the central control server will be reflected on all the visual modules in all the outlets of that particular retail. This is key in avoiding unintended price changes for the same products in different outlets as a result of human error in manual price labeling.

For more information on the benefits of an electronic shelf label system, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/

Biyernes, Hulyo 23, 2021

Things To Do Before Investing In Digital Shelf Labels

Are you looking to invest in digital shelf labels? You have made a step in the right direction because the digital labels can improve not only the operation of your retail business, but also its profitability.  So many businesses, especially large scale retailers, are already using ESLs, and they have many nice things to say about them. It is an investment that you will not regret at all.

 Before you go ahead to invest in the digital shelf labels, there are various questions you need to ask yourself. The first one is if the ESL system you are choosing can send acknowledgements of price changes. In order to ensure pricing integrity in your retail business, the ESL device installed in your store should be able to receive and send data. The head office of your business will want to know if the price changes sent to the ESL are received and published on the device. If you invest in an ESL system that does not have a two-way capability, you will leave yourself exposed to pricing integrity issues and, in the worst case scenario, compliance problems.

Before investing in digital shelf labels, you also need to ask yourself if the ESL system accommodate large volumes of pricing changes. If your store network is large or you make multiple pricing changes in a short period of time, the speed of transmission for your ESL system is a very crucial factor. The transmission rates for ESLs are broad, ranging from 1,000 changes per hour to hundreds of thousands of changes per hour. You need to make sure that the vendor you will work with can handle the volumes your store requires.

For more information on what to do before investing in digital shelf labels, visit our website at https://solumesl.com/