Huwebes, Pebrero 25, 2021

The Benefits Of Using LED Labels In Your Business

If you have never considered using LED labels, it is something that you should definitely consider. Throughout the years, automation has been embraced by the retail sector, and it has been proven to be beneficial for retailers, something that has led to the adoption of electronic shelf labels across many retail stores, for instance convenience stores, appliance stores, supermarkets and department stores. Using LED labels in your business can reduce labor by allowing you to implement dynamic pricing solutions and remove manual operations.

There are various ways that you can benefit from using LED label technology in your business. First of all, it can help reduce operational cost.  You are going to experience significant savings in labor as well as materials costs when you take advantage of ESL’s features in time. If you continue using paper labels, too many papers, printers, ink, and employees’ time are needed to display a single product price. However, with the digital price tags, your staff can make a change from the POS to update hundreds or even thousands of labels on store shelves in a matter of minutes. Moreover, they will be able save more time focusing on customer service.

Another benefit of using LED labels in your retail store is easier management of inventory. Digital labels also make inventory information digital. The associates if your retail store can better locate where stock is supposed to go, improving replenishment and returns. The electronic labels can also connect your inventory data to your online store, and that way, you can easily manage order fulfillment through your store’s website. This is a technology that a lot of businesses have embraced, and so you will not regret implementing it in your business.

For more information on the benefits of using LED labels in your business, visit our website at

The Benefits Of Digital Shelf Edge Label Technology

Using digital shelf edge label technology is something that you should consider if you are in the retail business.  This technology can help improve your margins as well as what they are going to cost. The following are some of the benefits that the digital labels can bring to your business.

One of the benefits that you can get from the electronic shelf edge label technology is channel synchronization. With the ESLs, the price on your store shelf is going to be the same as your price online, on your mobile app, and across many other locations where you are selling your products. This will keep your online and offline channels synchronized to make sure that there is a unified experience for your shoppers no matter how they engage with you.

Another important benefit of using digital shelf edge label technology is accurate, reliable pricing for your products. Paper labels can mean frequent and costly errors in your retail store. This can be because of shelf crawl, pricing that has not been updated, missing tags. This can lead to unhappy shoppers that feel like you are overcharging them compared to the price that you have indicated on the shelf. Or, if the price is too high, it can mean lower sales and excess inventory in your retail business. Using ESLs can eliminate these issues by ensuring price integrity.

Last but not least, use of digital shelf edge label technology can lead to improved productivity. In a busy retail store, price changes can come in large batches throughout the week, something that can cause staffing problems and require employees to spend a lot time on a task that most find boring. With ESLs, you can improve your staff allocation and use your employees to do what matters the most - engaging and serving your shoppers.

For more information on the benefits of digital shelf edge label technology, visit our website at

Problems Solved By Retail Shelf Tags

Running retail without shelf tags can be very challenging. Initially, most retail shops never had shelf tags. What customers did was simply go pick whatever they needed and the retailer would tell them the price of the item they were to buy. This whole process had several challenges. It needed a retailer to always be sharp and aware of the prices of all the goods he sold at his fingertips. The customer also faced challenges due to the absence of retail shelf tags. Below are some of the problems solved by retail tags.

The first problem solved by retail shelf tags is price switching. Some retailers may switch prices when seeing customers that look wealthy at times. Having price tags will make it difficult for dishonest retailers or employees to do so. We have seen cases where an employee tries to get an extra tip by overcharging a customer and keeping the rest of the money. This may tarnish the image of your retail if customers realize they are charged different prices for items. Having shelf tags help maintain honesty in your operations.

The second problem solved by retail shelf tags is budgeting. Shopping blindly without knowing the actual prices of the items you are purchasing can be confusing and challenging. One might end up picking more items than one can afford. Having shelf tags enable a buyer to stick to his/her budget. Reaching the counter and having to return some items can be embarrassing to a customer. Some may even keep off from your retail after such an experience.

Lastly, another problem solved by retail shelf tags is a misunderstanding of prices. At times employees and the retailer may have a hard time remembering the price they sell a certain item. In such a case the customer may take this as a sign of dishonesty. Price tags help in clearing the issue. Such kind of misunderstandings can result in losing your customers if not well handled.

For more information on problems solved by retail shelf tags, visit our website at

Miyerkules, Pebrero 10, 2021

The Benefits Of Electronic Retail Shelf Tags

Using electronic retail shelf tags is one of the things that you can do in order to improve your operations in your retail business.  This technology is still a bit new, but it is slowly and steadily being embraced by  many retailers these days.  The electronic labels are simply digital wireless display systems that retail stores use to show product prices. They are usually attached to the front edge of retail shelving.

So, how can you benefit from the electronic retail shelf tags? First and foremost, these labels can lead to easier management of  inventory in your business. These labels make inventory information digital. Your store’s associates will better locate where stock is supposed to go, something that  will in turn help improve replenishment and returns. The electronic labels can also connect your inventory data to your online store,  something that will allow you to easily manage order fulfillment through your store’s app or website.

Another benefit of using the electronic retail shelf tags is targeted Advertising. Actually,  one of the greatest features of electronic labels is the ability to allow your business to implement better advertising campaigns. The advanced and engaging displays of the digital price tags can connect with smart consumers and send precise, targeted promotions to your patrons depending  on past purchases, social media activities as well as search engine histories.

Last but not least, the digital labels can help reduce operation cost in your retail business. You are going to see significant savings in labor as well as materials costs when you take advantage of  the electronic shelf label’s features in time. Digital price tags will allow your staff to make a change from the point of sale to update thousands of labels on the store shelves in a matter of minutes. Moreover, they staff will have more time to focus on customer service.

For more information on the benefits of electronic retail shelf tags, visit our website at 

The Benefits Of Electronic Freezer Labels

Having electronic freezer labels can benefit your retail business in various ways. As a retailer, you should strive to stay more green and reduce inventory loss. Quick changes to your prices can help you move through products more quickly. In case you notice that a certain product is not moving as you expected it to, you can adjust the prices to see if  there will be some improvement.

With electronic labels, adjusting your promotional pricing has never been easier. This means that running promotions as well as getting rid of slow stock in your retail store has also never been easier. If you sell perishable stock in your store, this is even more important. Studies show that 40 percent of food produced is wasted, so cutting this down by using electronic labels may make a huge difference. It can save both you (the retailer) and the consumer money while at the same time helping to minimize waste.

Another benefit of the electronic freezer labels is that they are more accurate and can help save your employees’ time. Electronic pricing is much easier to edit and always more accurate. You employees will not need to waste a lot of their time making hundreds of small changes around the store. If you subject your staff to such tedious work, it means that there will inevitably be mistakes in pricing around  your store. A lot of retailers also  provide products at the price that they are listed instead of the actual price, so just a small mistake can become very costly in the end.

With smart labels, changes can be made en masse from the back-end, and mistakes can be fixed very quickly instead of requiring manual changes that leave room for the same thing to happen again in future.

For more information on the benefits of electronic freezer labels, visit our website at

Questions To Ask Electronic Shelf Label Companies

The electronic shelf label technology is quickly being adopted by people in the retail business. As the technology matures and the hardware drops in price, more and more organizations are taking a serious look at using ESL as part of their store promotions as well as ticketing solution. There has never been a better time to fully consider the impact of electronic shelf labels on a retail ticketing strategy.

When you decide to use  ESLs in your business,  you will need to look for the best electronic shelf label companies to acquire this technology from. There are various things you  need to ask the prospective candidates, one of them being if their ESL accommodate large volumes of pricing changes. If your store network is large or you make multiple pricing changes in a short period of time, the speed of transmission for your electronic shelf labeling system is very important. The transmission rates for ESLs  are broad, ranging from 1,000 changes per hour to hundreds of thousands of changes every hour. You need to make sure that the vendor you will choose can handle the volumes  that your store requires.

 Another important question you need to ask the prospective electronic shelf label companies is if their ESL can send acknowledgements of price changes.  To ensure pricing integrity, the  electronic shelf labelling system that you will install in your store should be able to receive and send data. Your headquarters will want to know if the price changes sent to the ESL has been received and published on the device. If you purchase a device that does not have two-way capability, you will leave yourself exposed to pricing integrity issues and, in the worst case scenario, compliance issues.

For more information on the questions to ask electronic shelf label companies, visit our website at