Lunes, Oktubre 26, 2020

Benefits Of Using Electronic Shelf Labels In Your Retail Store

It is about time you considered switching to electronic shelf labels if you still use paper labels in your retail business. The electronic labels have a lot of benefits, and a lot of business people are embracing them these days. Once you start experiencing their benefits, you would wish you invested in them a long time ago.

So how exactly will the electronic shelf labels help you? First of all, when you switch to these labels, you can save paper and plastic. Printing labels whenever a price change is required or you need to replace a beat up label is a huge waste. This is particularly true for retail businesses that sell many different products.  Apart from being expensive, paper and plastic labels  add to more waste, which is something that the world clearly needs a whole lot less of right now. When you start using electronic labels, you only have to purchase  the labels once. You will not need to throw anything out, and prices will always be up to date.

Another benefit of electronic shelf labels is that they are more accurate and they can help save employees time. Editing electronic pricing is easier and more accurate. Your employees will not have to waste a lot of time making hundreds of small changes around the store. Because these changes can be tedious if done manually, it means that there will inevitably be mistakes around your store if you leave the work to your employees.  If you offer products at the price that they are listed instead of the actual price, just a small mistake can prove to be very costly in the end. When you start using electronic labels, changes can be made en masse from the back end.

For more information on the benefits of using electronic shelf labels in your retail store, visit our website at


Benefits Of Investing In Smart Price Tag Technology

If you are looking for ways to improve operations in your retail business and gain an edge over your competitors, one of the things that you should consider doing is investing in smart price tag technology. The smart or electronic price tags have numerous benefits for retailers.  However, their greatest advantage is the ability to engage in real-time dynamic pricing in-store and built an omnichannel experience that can go a long way in enhancing customer loyalty.

One of the important benefits of investing in the smart price tag technology is the shelf edge influence. The shelf edge is without doubt one of the most important sales influencers. Since a lot of purchases are made at this point, you need to make sure that your pricing information is ever accurate.

With the paper based system, changing pricing information of products is prone to human error. Changing the pricing information manually is also a slow process, and by the time you finish re-labeling, chances are the prices might have already changed online.

When you start using smart price tags, making price changes will be a lot easier, and you will be able to capture more sales at the shelf edge. With these labels, you can react competitively to price changes, enable instant promotions, track the promotions that are working and protect margins on stock that is time-sensitive. It is also possible to create offers based on where a specific customer is standing in your retail store with just a few clicks.

While the initial investment of smart price tag technology may seem to be a  bit higher compared to the paper-based system,  you can save a lot more in the long run because you will just purchase the smart price tags ones.

For more information on the benefits of investing in smart price tag technology, visit our website at


A Look At The Benefits Of Electronic Warehouse Shelf Labels


 If you still use paper labels in your warehouse, you should consider switching to electronic warehouse shelf labels. These labels are a dynamic and intuitive replacement of the manually generated stickers that a lot of retail businesses still use. The electronic labels can make your warehouse more efficient.

So how exactly can you benefit from using electronic labels in your warehouse?  First of all, these labels can be used as efficient and innovative tools for automated production navigation as well as production location management. They make it absolutely easier to locate items, devices or assets, particularly in large warehouses that have multiple items in their inventories. They use wireless connectivity that makes them highly efficient, and the light and thin designs that they feature make them so easy to install on racks and bins, and also on items and assets.

Another benefit of using electronic warehouse shelf labels is that they can make data gathering and analysis in your store a lot easier.  The modern ESLs have features that go beyond the mere price tag and product labels. The electronic warehouse labels can be equipped with sensors that will enable you and your employees to monitor the temperature and humidity of certain sections in your store, where temperature-sensitive products or assets are located. These labels can also be used for accurate monitoring and management of inventories, big data analysis and many other applications.

The intuitive systems as well as wireless connectivity  that the electronic shelf labels use is effective enough to feature scheduling capabilities, such as update  in pricing and production information  at a certain  predefined time or date. Price changes to thousands of products can be made within a matter of seconds.

 For more information on the benefits of electronic warehouse shelf labels, visit our website at


Benefits Of Using The Electronic Shelf Label Technology In Your Retail Business

Whether to invest in the electronic shelf label technology or stick to paper labels is a question that you may be asking yourself right now. While paper labels can still do the job, they will not serve you as well as the electronic labels. You need to invest in the electronic labels if you want to minimize costs and maximize profits in your retail business. The following are some of the biggest benefits that you are going to get from using ESLs in your retail business.

 First of all, the electronic shelf label technology will ensure accurate and reliable pricing. Using paper labels can mean frequent and costly errors, which is something you do not want if you desperately want your retail business to succeed. The errors could be due to shelf crawl, missing tags or pricing that is not updated.  Errors in pricing can lead to unhappy shoppers who may feel like you are overcharging them compared to the price that that is indicated on the shelf. Or if the price it too high, it could mean lower sales as well excess inventory.  When you start using ESL, they can eliminate these issues by ensuring price integrity.

Another benefit that you can get as a result of using electronic shelf label technology in your business is channel synchronization.  With electronic labels, the price on you retail store shelf will be the same as the price online, on your mobile app and across other locations where you are selling your items. Your online and offline channels will be synchronized, something that will ensure a unified experience for your customers regardless of how they decided to engage with you.

For more information on the benefits of using the electronic shelf label technology in your retail business, visit your website at

The Benefits Of Using Digital Labels In Your Business


Even though most retail stores still use paper labels, using digital labels is more beneficial. It is something that you should seriously consider if you want to improve operations in your retail store and gain an edge over your competitors.  If you can afford it, you should go for it by all means.

One of the compelling reasons why you need to implement digital label technology in your business is easier store promotion management. Just like with manual repricing, store associates can be able to oversee promotions in-store without merchandising systems, available through mobile computers and tablets, widely used to help operations staff and managers correctly price and also set up eye-catching displays. Moreover, with electronic labels, set-piece promotions, such as offers around holidays and seasonal offers, can be planned out well in advance and factored into the annual operational costs of your store.

However, since shoppers these days prefer purchasing discounted products, to be able to meet their expectations, you should purpose to increase the frequency of in-store promotions. People who shop online are used to being notified of compelling offers – from money-off coupons, to price fluctuations and rewards depending on their purchase volumes, preferences and browsing history. When you are able to use these tactics in your retail store, at the shelf edge, because shoppers think about the purchases that they make, it can help convert more sales.

Offering more value at the shelf edge manually may not be that easy. Manually overseeing promotions can be time consuming, and it is also costly where promotions are usually put in place out of hours. You can only make a handful of changes depending on the amount of time that your associates have available. With digital labels, store promotion management will become so easy.

 For more information on the benefits of using digital labels in your business, visit our website at

Huwebes, Oktubre 8, 2020

The Benefits Of Electronic Retail Shelf Tags

Are you still using paper shelf tags in your business? If you do, it is about time you switched to electronic retail shelf tags. These labels are quickly becoming a viable part of the ticketing strategy as retail businesses begin implementation across many industries. The following are some of the ways that it can be beneficial to your business.

One of the things that the electronic shelf tags can do is helping prevent is showrooming. This is a phenomenon that a lot of brick and mortar retailers are faced with nowadays. It is where shoppers browse for items that they need in a brick and mortar retail store but decide to purchase them online where they can get cheaper outlets.

Since electronic retail shelf tags allow more dynamic pricing for retailers, making price changes is very easy. You can keep an eye on online prices and quickly make adjustments in your store with the electronic shelf labeling technology.

Another advantage of using electronic retail shelf tags instead of paper labels is that you can stay more green and reduce inventory loss in your retail business. Since this technology allows quick changes to prices, you can move through product more quickly. If you notice that a certain items is not moving as you want, you can adjust the price and see if there will be any difference.

With electronic shelf tags, adjusting promotional pricing has never been easier, and as a result running promotions and getting rid of slow stock is also so easy. If you sell perishable stock in your store, this is even more important.  A lot of food produce is wasted in the stores that use paper labels.  When you start using smarter pricing, you can cut down this waste.

For more information on the benefits of electronic retail shelf tags, visit our website at


The Benefits Of Electronic Shelf Labels

If you still use paper labels in your business, it is about time you gave electronic shelf labels a try.  With the right electronic labels, you can improve your margins and gain an edge over your competitors.  In fact, it is something that you would wish you did a long time ago. The following are some of the benefits that you will get from ESLs.

First of all, the electronic shelf labels will ensure accurate and reliable pricing. One of the problems with paper price tags is frequent and costly errors. This can happen as a result of shelf crawl, price that has not been updated, missing tags and so on. Such errors could lead to unhappy customers who feel like you are overcharging them compared to the price that is indicated on the shelf. Or when the price is too high, it could mean lower taxes as well as excess inventory.  When you start using electronical labels, they can eliminate these issues by ensuring price integrity in your retail store.

Another important benefit that you can get as a result of using electronic shelf labels is channel synchronization. With electronic labeling system, the price on your store shelf will be the same as the price on your mobile app, online and across other locations. As a result, both your online and offline channels will be synchronized to ensure a unified experience for your customers no matter how they engage with you.

Last but not least, ESLs can lead to improved productivity. In the retail business, price changes usually come in large batches throughout the week. This can lead to staffing problems and require employees to use a lot of time on tasks that they consider boring. Electronic labels can help you improve your staff location and ensure that employees are doing what matters – engaging and serving customers.

For more information on the benefits of electronic shelf labels, visit our website at


Linggo, Oktubre 4, 2020

The Benefits Of Digital Price Tags

Do you still make use of paper price tags in your business? If you do, it is about time you started using digital price tags. The digital labelling system will make operations in your retails shop more efficient. Manually-driven processes such as updating and installation of price labels are susceptible to human error. Not only do they result to added inaccuracies in your inventories, but they also have a possible negative impact on the relationships you have with your customers and partners.

There are various ways that you can benefit from using the digital price tag system. First of all, these price tags can be used as data gathering and analysis applications.  Advancements in digital labels give them a feature that goes beyond just being mere product labels or price tags. Electronic labels can be equipped with sensors that allow retail store managers and operations staff to monitor temperature and humidity of particular sections in the facility, ensure accurate monitoring and management of inventories, big data analysis, and many other applications.

The digital price tags use wireless connectivity and intuitive systems that are effective enough to feature scheduling capabilities, such as updates in product and pricing information at a predefined data and time. With these price tags, you can update hundreds or even thousands of labels in a matter of seconds.  You cannot imagine doing the same when you ae still using a paper-based system. ESLs enable multiple updates on labels in real-time or on a scheduled basis.

Digital price tags can also be used as information pushing applications. In the retail environment, these labels can be a good advertising tool where consumers can get information on special promotions or discounts directly from the price tag itself. This can help increase revenue generation.

 For more information on the benefits of digital price tags, visit our website at


The Benefits Of Electronic Price Tags

If you are still skeptical about using the electronic price tag system in your business, rest assured that it is something that can benefit you in many different ways. You investment in the electronic labels will be totally worth it if you use the best ESL brand. The following are some of the benefits that the electronic labels provide over the paper labels.

First and foremost, the electronic price tags can help with tracking customer movements and patterns. Movement sensors can be installed in the electronic labels easily and at a relatively cheaper cost.  These sensors can truck all customer movement and traffic in your retail store and provide a virtual heat map of your retail area.

Understanding the traffic in your retail store can benefit you in a number of ways. It can help with product placement, aisle layout, promotional areas and displays and so on.  Moreover, you can see how many people passed by certain products in your store without making a purchase. In case you have slow moving products in a high traffic area, you can change the price or switch them out.

Another benefit of using electronic price tags in your business is that they will show more information than the paper labels. More modern ESL technology displays more information on each label. You can show a whole lot more information than just the price of a product. Your electronic labels can also be used for displaying stock remaining, price per weight, nutritional facts, size as well as additional product information. You can add this information to the main label itself or you can print a QR which will be used for accessing additional information through your company’s app or website.

For more information on the benefits of electronic price tags, visit our website at