Lunes, Nobyembre 30, 2020

A Look At The Benefit Of Using Electronic Retail Shelf Price Tags


Whether to invest in electronic retail shelf price tags or stick to using paper-based price tags is a question that you may be asking yourself right now.  You are clearly better off with the electronic price tags for various reasons. While these price tags do have an initial investment, but they are totally worth the money because of the benefits that they provide.

 One of the advantages of using the electronic retail shelf price tags is that they are more accurate compared to the paper labels, and they can help you save employees’ time. It is much easier to edit electronic pricing, and it is always more accurate.  If you still use paper labels in your business, chances are your employees waste a lot of time making hundreds of small changes around the store. Such tedious work can lead to lot of mistakes in pricing, something that can in turn cause customers to start losing faith in your business.

 If you sell items in your retail store at the price that they are listed instead of the actual price, even a small mistake can prove to be quite costly in the end. With the electronic retail shelf price tags, changes can be made in large numbers from the back end.  Mistakes in pricing can be fixed quickly as opposed to manual price changes which leave room for the same mistake to happen again in future.  Since your employees will no longer need to spend a lot of their time tending to the product labels, they will make use of their time to help customers and make sure that they have a positive shopping experience.

For more information on the benefits of electronic retail shelf price tags, visit our website at

Linggo, Nobyembre 29, 2020

Tips For Implementing Electronic Shelf Label Technology In Your Business

When you decide to implement electronic shelf label technology, you need to know what to do in order to make sure that this implementation is successful. For the best results, you need to make sure that your ESL system is rolled over the right technological foundation. You also need to make security a top priority as you continue to expand your digital portfolio.

One of the important factors that you should consider when implementing ESLs in your business is cost.  You need to make sure that the ESL system that you will choose is affordable within your means.  To get a feel for whether the electronic label that you are considering is an economically prudent option, you should compare your initial investment in ESLs with your existing relabeling costs, which can be quite high for the large inventory stores. You should also consider the ongoing maintenance costs of electronic labels and understand how long various types of low-power devices will actually last.

Apart from cost, another important factor that you should consider when implementing electronic shelf label technology in your business is your store layout. You need to make sure that radiofrequency signals can reach every label in the store in order to ensure accurate pricing. If there are barriers in the way, this can be difficult to achieve.  For example, if t you have a grocery shop, you need to make sure RF hardware of the ESL system that you will choose can transmit signals with enough power to penetrate steel as well as glass refrigerators.

Keep in mind that an ideal electronic shelf label system for you may not be the same an ideal system for another store.  Your unique needs as well as existing infrastructure are some of the things that will determine your priorities.

 For more tips on how to implement electronic shelf label technology in your business, visit your website at

The Benefits Of Using Electronic Shelf Labels

When it comes to the things that you can do in order to increase productivity and profitability in your retail business, one of the best things you can do is investing in electronic shelf labels.  A lot of retailers that are already using the electronic labels have nothing but nice things to say about them. Compared to paper labels, the ESLs have a lot of benefits, including the following.

 One of the important benefits of using electronic shelf labels is that they can help prevent showrooming. This is a very common phenomenon in the brick and mortars stores.  It is where shoppers browse for items in a retail store but make their purchases online since they are able to find cheaper outlets there.

 Electronic price labels allow more dynamic pricing for retailers. With these labels, making price changes in your retail store will be a lot easier. You can keep an eye on online prices and quickly make adjustments in your store if you notice price differences between the outlets.

Since the electronic shelf labels are still relatively new, only the largest retailers are currently taking advantage of it.  Some retailers are reluctant to use it with the fear that it may drive shoppers away. But the truth of the matter is that ESL technology is better than paper price tags in many different ways.

While the initial cost of investing the electronic price tag technology may look high, it should not scare you because the benefits that you will get in the long run are many.  The best thing about it is that you only need to purchase the electronic price labels once. This is unlike paper labels where new labels are required whenever there is a price change.

 For more information on the benefits of using electronic shelf labels, visit our website at

Biyernes, Nobyembre 27, 2020

How To Implement ESL Solutions

Investing in ESL solutions is something that you should definitely consider if you are a retail business owner. There are so many benefits to using electronic shelf labels instead of paper labels, including dynamic centralized pricing, in-store heat mapping as well as automated inventory management.

In order to realize the benefits of an ESL system, you need to make sure that it is rolled out over the right technical foundation. A good ESL system needs to be scalable enough so as to incorporate hundreds or even thousands of connected nodes while at the same time being able to facilitate communication throughout the store, regardless of the size.

There are various things you should consider when implementing solutions. One of them is the layout of your store. Radiofrequency signals should be able to reach every label in your store in order to ensure accurate pricing. This can be difficult when there are physical barriers in the way. For example, a grocer may have to make sure that the RF hardware of the ESL system can transmit signals with enough power in order to penetrate steel and glass refrigerators.

Another thing that you should consider when implementing ESL solutions is workflow. Electronic labels are supposed to streamline the labelling process. But for this to happen, you need to make sure that your technological capabilities align with how you are actually going to use the labels. For example, do you want retail prices to come straight from corporate, or will pricing will be handled at store level. If you prefer the former,   your headquarters will have to manage communication between multiple servers and a cloud set up or a central server, making it necessary for an added layer of technology and management.

For more information on how to implement ESL solutions, visit our website at

How To Implement ESL Systems In Your Business


When it comes to implementing ESL systems in your business, there are various things you should consider. An ideal ESL deployment will look different for every retail business owner.  For instance, a grocery store will have different needs than an electronic shop.  To a large extent, your unique needs and existing infrastructure will determine your priorities as well as the challenges you will have to overcome as you seek to implement electronic shelf labels. The following are some of the real-world factors that you will need to consider when rolling out ESLs in your business.

First of all, make sure that you consider custom development.  You not only need to choose an  ESL system that suits  your current inventory practices,  but you also need to make sure that the system  has a robust protocol stack that can  be  reconfigured to suit your changing needs. For example, even though you may want to explore how customers can make use of the phones to interact with the ESLs directly, not all back-ends may be able to support this kind of interactivity.

Another important thing you should consider when implementing ESL solutions is appearance. You do not want to be limited when it comes to the look of your electronic shelf labels.  You should be able to choose between several sizes, and the graphics should be as crisp and readable just the way you like.  There are some ESLs that even have attention-grabbing features, such as blinking colored lights.

You also have to consider cost when implementing ESL systems in your business. The cost effectiveness of an electronic shelf labeling is something that you definitely have to consider especially if you are on a tight budget. You need to make sure that the system you will choose will not break your bank account.

 For more tips on how to implement ESL systems in your business, visit our website at